Solar: the Next Step in Hurricane Preparedness

If you’ve lived in Florida for a while, you know that sometimes it’s not the storm itself that makes your life miserable—it’s being out of power for days or even weeks afterwards. Generators are a solution, but they are noisy, hard to manage for some folks, and run on...

How to Apply for Your Solar Tax Credit

So you’ve gone solar and want to apply for the solar tax credit on your 2021 taxes? This blog post will help you do that. But first, a disclaimer: this blog post isn’t meant to be tax advice, just helpful information. Always consult a trusted tax professional about...

5 Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill

Electric bill just hit your mailbox? If you live in Florida and it’s summer, you probably don’t even want to open it. If you’re bummed out about high summer energy bills (and as energy companies raise their rates, those suckers will only get higher), take a look at 5...

The Steps to a Solar Installation

  So you’ve made the decision to go solar and signed all your paperwork. Congratulations! Now you may find yourself, like King George III in Hamilton, asking, “What’s next?” It can take a few weeks to a few months to get your solar system installed and...

Six Solar Scams to Look Out For

You may have heard that solar is a scam, but is it? Solar technology is not a scam– modern solar panels have been around since 1954. And companies like Disney, Target, Wal-mart and Apple wouldn’t be using it if it wasn’t a solid investment.  What IS a scam are...