Helpful Information From Our Florida Solar Panel Contractors
Many of you are visiting our page because of the new popularity of solar power, a neighbor recently installed solar panels on their roof or you are simply curious. You came to the right place. When most people think of Florida Solar Power contractors, a lot of questions come to mind. What benefits does solar power have to offer? How long do the panels last? We live in a time when most of our household items and electronics such as laptops, cell phones and appliances last for no more than 5 years. Durability these days is least likely to exist when most products are made with low-quality materials. As we continue, we will do our best to clear the air on some of the misconceptions. Please call us at 863-381-6083 to book an appointment or to ask questions after reading this blog.
Believe it or not, solar panels are durable and around for the long haul. Fortunately, our Florida Solar Power contractors does not need pumps, fans, a digital processor, flywheels or motherboards. With a minimal number of moving parts, maintenance is not required. These panels are made durable with a glass solar cell that holds sunlight as it absorbs heat. According to research, panels last for 35 years or more.
What is the catch From Our Florida Solar Panel Contractors?
When a few decade passes by, your solar panels will not be as efficient as they were in the beginning. An inverter use electricity, converting it into power and needs to be replaced every 10 years. These high-quality panels are made with crystalline silicon and durable glass. This is one way it generates electricity and one characteristic you will notice Florida Solar Power contractors can remain strong in harsh conditions.
Florida Solar Panel Contractors Advice: What happens when it needs to be replaced?
If the time comes that your solar panels need replacing, call Coronoda Solar and our Florida Solar Panel Contractors will be one phone call away to recycle them. While being used to a world of low-quality products with a low life cycle, you can look up at your roof with peace of mind that it will last for decades to come.