Florida Solar Power Contractors Share Environmentally Friendly Celebrities

We are the Florida Solar Power Contractors that believe in taking the time to keep our eyes glued to the internet for helpful tips and information about solar energy. While we continue to push forward to make a change in the world, there are internationally known entertainers and politicians that are committed every day to support a healthier world.

This blog topic was written for our customers and visitors. We encourage you to contact us with ideas for future blogs and remember to schedule your next solar electrical purchase with us by calling 863-381-6083.  Here is a list of products and services that we offer:

  • Solar Thermal
  • Solar Attic Fans
  • Solar Pool Heaters
  • Wind Generators
  • Residential Solar Carport

While there are many celebrities that are making a difference here are the ones that as Florida Solar Power Contractors we are proud to include:

Florida Solar Power Contractors Actors Pick


There is one inevitable force of nature that human beings can’t control and that is climate change. When Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar at the Academy Awards this year for the movie Revenant he said climate change is “the most urgent threat facing our entire species.” According to research, 2014 was the second hottest year ever. Leonardo continues to be one of the top environmental activists that participated in the Paris 2014 climate march where he spoke during the United Nations Climate Change Conference after receiving an award for his efforts towards climate change.

While Leonardo DiCaprio decided to use his fame to make a positive change for a greater cause, here is a list of other well-known people that are making a difference:


Mark Ruffalo is the co-founder of an organization named The Solutions Project that is working to see the world make the shift to 100% renewable energy. In addition, he is also the founder of Water Defense, a non-profit organization with a focus on clean water. In 2015 he launched Hollywood United, a campaign with an agenda to end oil and gas development in the state of California by 2030. Mark is an avid solar supporter and this year he tried to retain net energy metering policies in Nevada.


When we think of Robert Redford the first thought that comes to mind is his legendary acting skills.  He has been an environmental activist for a few decades and is a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council. Robert has expressed his concerns by speaking about the tar sands oil and energy waste in buildings that are located are urban areas. He lent his voice to speak for the narrated IMAX film called “National Parks Adventure”. The movie debut at the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service.

Florida Solar Power Contractors Author Pick


Van Jones is an author that is passionate about environmental justice in addition to being the best seller of a book named “The Green Collar Economy.” Van is also the founder and president of Green for All that promotes an eco-friendly economy to help people get out of poverty. He was primarily involved in the Green Jobs Act that established the term “green jobs”. As a courageous environmentalist, he expressed his support for President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan to lower carbon pollution that spews from power plants.


The next time you need solar products for your customers or decide to call one of the Florida Solar Power Contractors as a customer, remember that you are not alone in the cause to make our environment an eco-friendly place to live. Call us with questions and purchase your products from a reputable company with a passion for preserving our world.